Strategy and e-Business Consulting
Our consulting service helps businesses discover new opportunities for success by examining their present resources and methods and identifying areas where Internet technologies can pay off.
Business Analysis – Who are your customers? What are their needs? How do they engage you for goods or services? How do you develop new business? Are there bottlenecks in your operations? Does geography limit you? Will your processes work if scaled?
Goals Assessment – What areas of the business are underperforming? If costs and time were not issues, in what direction would you take the business? What are the most challenging issues you face internally or in your market that you need to overcome?
Competitive Analysis – What is the competition doing that you should be doing? What can we learn from their strengths and weaknesses? Are there unmet needs in your market that you’d like to address?
Needs Analysis – What steps are necessary to go from where you are now to where you want to be? Can these steps be prioritized? Can a phased plan be developed and implemented over time?
Technical Specifications – What back-office systems, applications, and databases are currently in use? What systems need to be enhanced or created? Can your systems be bridged to communicate with suppliers’ or buyers’ systems?
Design Consultation – Establishing the brand online includes working within the existing branding strategy or creating a new one. Are you satisfied with your current identity and branding? Do you adequately express your company’s value and connect well with markets? Can existing web design elements be successfully used in print collateral, advertising, or other offline marketing?
Usability Testing – Has user testing of web-based systems ever been conducted? Can we refine the user experience by observing website visitors? Are customers happy or frustrated when engaging with you online?
Contact us to schedule a business consultation »