Monthly Archives: August 2010Blog

H.264 Standard Will Remain Royalty-Free

Keeping the H.264 standard open is important because there’s potentially big money in Web video — in advertising, sure, but also for creators who monetize their content for a living. With a free, high-quality standard in place, we get past the encumbrance of Flash and provide more rich content sent directly to the Web from any number of devices. Content that’s available to everyone means more engaged visitors across the board. This is a good thing:

MPEG LA, the group that oversees licensing for a number of Internet media standards, today announced that Internet broadcast content using the H.264 video coding standard will remain royalty-free for the entire life of the license, quashing fears that the standard could suddenly become subject to royalty payments in 2016 after the current licensing term expires and is required to be renewed.”

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European Commission Joins Investigation of Apple’s Flash Exclusion Policies

The anti-Apple bandwagon grows. Is Apple being called out now for taking its shot at “owning” the Web?

The New York Post reports that the European Commission has taken an interest in Apple’s long-standing exclusion of Adobe’s Flash from its iOS devices, as well as its ban on Adobe’s Flash-to-iPhone compiler and similar tools designed to allow non-native applications to be recompiled for the iOS platform. The paper was the first to report back in May that U.S. regulators were considering an inquiry into the situation.”